2003-10-25 ~ 7:21 p.m.
Chase slept in his pack n play for the first time today when he napped.
I just don't like him sleeping alone on my bed now that he rolls, so yeah pack n playu for naps now :(
He has been good all day and taken 3 naps! One 1 1/2 nap, one 45 minute nap and is sleeping now. Its a amazing. He never sleeps this much during the day
And because I know you want to see them, and if you don't sorry here are some more pictures

Chewing on teething ring

Grabbing his toys hanging down

Chewing on rings

Playing with rings while on his tummy

Tummy Time

In overalls and hat

looking at me!

Happy playing with Toy

Sucking on his fingers earlier! lol

Getting Upset

Laying with the Scout outside



Just cute
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