2003-11-03 ~ 11:14 a.m.
too cute
Chase is nursing right now. :) Sweet boy. I think he will go to sleep while nursing. He is sleepy.
He took a short short napo a bit ago but it wasn't a normal Chase nap you know??
He has been cranky here lately. I am not sure what has been wrong. Poor little man. I think he might be teething tough. He is always chewing on things and slobbering. So I believe its teething.
Of course I don't expect teeth any time soon. Jaidyn and Noah teethed early and didn't get teeth for MONTHS.
I can't believe my baby is so big!! He is just getting too big too quick for me. He rolls all over the place. I lay him on the floor in one position and he ends up turned around, scooted up or rolled over! lol
He is doing so many little cute things. He grins if you grin at him. He is just tooo cute
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