2003-11-03 ~ 4:23 p.m.
getting big
Chase is getting more and more cooridnated! He can reach for things and grab them more easily now. He can get things into his mouth more easily too.
If you lay him on his back on the floor and turn around for even a second when you look back he will either be on his tummy or scooted into another area! lol Or he will turn all the way around! He is so silly!!
And CUTE! He is getting strong with balancing himself sitting, but of courser not ready to do it on his own yet.
Isn't he big??

Him asleep yesterday morning before I woke him up for church.

Sitting on the couch before church yesterday.

My big boy in his activity center. Isn't he getting big??

Chase in his toy with Jaidyn playing with him of course.
He is getting good at balancing sitting up in that thing! He loves it because he HATES to lay back now! Crazy baby!
He is playing with Noah and Jaidyn right now. So cute. Gonna go now Brian should be home soon and we have errands to run
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