2003-11-07 ~ 10:30 a.m.
Chase man is sick :( Runny nose, cough all tht fun stuff. I feel awful. I know he got it from me :(
He is sleeping peacifully right now which is good. He needs sleep so he will feel better. He woke up screaming at 12:30 last night after going to sleep at 10:30 and it was after 1 before I got him back to sleep. Poor guy.
Anyway here are some pictures from yesterday. We have one of those books that has the buttons you push on the side and it talks or plays music and Jaidyn gave it to Chase and here is him playing with it

Here he looks like he is reading! lol

Turning the page!

Looking to the side at me

He really looks like he is into it here! lol

Sitting up with the book
the rest are just cute pictures! :)

My Cutie Pie

Grabbing Toys

Using his feet to hit the toys and grabbing his feet!!
He LOVES his feet!
Anyway hope he gets better soon okay? I don't like my little Fuzz to not feel well (we call him fuzz because his hair feels like peach fuzz! lol)
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