2003-11-11 ~ 1:25 p.m.
updates and naps
I updated Chase's picture page! YAY me finally! :)
Chase has been not napping here lately and then getting super cranky during the day and evening and not going to sleep until late. Well last night he was asleep by 9:30 and slept all night!! YAY
At 10 he went down for a nap and slept until like 1!! So he took a nap today! YAY
He is so cute and sweet though. Always has the biggest smiles!!!
Anyway I am having trouble getting all the pictures on his picture page to show up! sigh... I know I typed in it right. UGH
Here are a couple pictures from Sunday morning before church anyway
All 3 kids before church on sunday

I liked this one of Chase!

Jaidyn and Chase! :)
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