2003-11-15 ~ 10:11 a.m.
just an update
Chase keeps hitting at the keyboard. He wants to be a computer nerd like mommy! ;) Okay now he is trying to suck on my elbow whike I tpe. SOrry for any typoes he is making this hard! lol
Anyway Chase is doing great! He went to bed at 10 last night and guess what time he woke up this morning??? hmmm??? No guesses huh? Well he woke up at 10 am!!!!!!!!!!! He only woke once to nurse at 5:30 but I think i woke him up because I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep because well I ALWAYS get up at 5:30 these days amd O was readomg my book while he was next to me and I think the little flash light light I was using to read woke him. But yeah he went right back to sleep!!
Tuesday he goes in for his check up finally. Its his 4 months appt BUT it will be only 2 days before he will be 5 months so I call it his 5 month appt now!! I can't wait to see what he weighs and his length. I believe he is about 16 or 16.5 lbs. I have no clue on what his length could be but I will find out at Tuesday!!
We went to IHOP yesterday and he kept pulling the paper place mat off the table and trying to eat it and then swinging it around. It was too funny! He is getting so big and doing so much!! I just can't believe it!!
He rolls over all the time. If I sit him up he can sit for a minute or so before falling. He can grab everything now. Including my nose, ears and hair! lol
He always is smiling! He is so smilie and happy!!
I love it when he is nursing and I look down at him and he looks up and grins this big toothless grin!!
I love love my boy yep...
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