2003-11-18 ~ 1:55 p.m.
Check UP
Chase had his check up today. Yeah it was supposed to be his 4 month check up but he will be 5 months on Thursday so, yeah...
So his 5 month stats are this:
17 lbs 12 oz
26 1/4 inches long
16 1/2 inch head
He got 3 shots and didn't much cry at all during those. He just looked at me and kind of cried at first but then was fine when I picked him up! He is such a good baby
Dr says he is right on for his age! YAY He rolls both ways (mostly from back to belly though), he scoots when on the floor and on his belly, he gets mad because he can't get his knees under him! Its too cute! He can sit if I sit him up for a few seconds. He loves to stand up if I am holding his hands!!!
He coos and giggles all the time and finds almost everything his brother and sister do funny!! He can't go in his bouncey seat anymore because he leans forward in it and I am worried he would tip it over.
He is in 3-6 month clothes and a few 6-9 month clothes now!! He is getting big!! He wears a 2 in diapers but I am thinking its about time for a 3 now!!
anyway he is doing perfect and going back to our old Pedi was great! She remember me and my kids and that is wonderful!!!
So yeah Chase man is the picture of health, so yeah look at how cute he is in these pictures all taken today:

Cutie Pie

All of those were taken before he went to hte dr, this next one was taken as soon as we got home from him getting his shots and having his appt:
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