2003-11-28 ~ 11:31 a.m.
His first thanksgiving
Thanks to everyone who commented on our family pics! :)
Anyway Chase had a good day yesterday even if his mommy had a almost bad day! lol
He was up and down all ngiht last nioght though. Poor thing. His new thing now is to roll on his tummy to sleep once I have laid him down on his back. I don't worry too much because I know he can lift his head and such.
Anyway here are a couple pictures of him from yesterday, his first thanksigving:

Chase in a bubble bath yesterday! :)

Noah and Chase looking at the gameboy! I love this picture!!

Noah and Chase again! :)
These next two are of Chase on Wednesday when we ahd him outside with us:

These were taken last week of Chase decked out in his christmas clothes! lol

In his babys first christmas onesie with a santa hat and booties! :)

In his santa sleeper and hat!
This last one is of Chase eating the spoon I was feeding him with. Yes we have started some solids, but only because the kids LOVES food. He showed all the signs of being ready, but I don't give him too much yet
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