2003-12-04 ~ 3:26 p.m.
christmas busyiness
Not much to say! We are busy busy busy around here getting ready for christmas. I am hoping to go get Chase's first christmas orament today so we can get our tree up tomorrow night! :)
See every year our kids get to pick out an orament for our tree and we date it or buy one with a date on it already for them. They will get one every year until tjhey turn 18 or 21 not sure which age I will go to! lol
Anyway, i have several pics from the last few days for you! ENJOY:

My Big Boy! :)

Grabbing Jaidyn's shoe!!

Grabbing the entertainment Center

Noah playing with Chase

In Taz hat. Look at that look on his face? lol

Chewing his finger!!
That is all for today!!
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