2003-12-15 ~ 4:43 p.m.
Pics of my little elf
It seems like Chase had christmas early around here! lol I found a bunch of baby toys in Jaidyn's toy box down at the bottom of it from when she was a baby!! So I pulled them out cleaned them up (they were clean but sitting in the bottom of the box and well Chase puts everything in his mouth so I wanted them SUPER clean! lol)and put them in Chase's box of toys! COOL! Yes
Anyway I know I know, I share pictures all the time, but lookie at these and tell me they aren't just the most adorable pictures in the world?? Well okay, if yoy hgave kids just admit he is adorable like your kids are! lol
All of this first pictures were taken this morning:

Sitting in front of the tree! :)

HE was looking up at a candy cane I was holding!

Look at taht smile!!!

I grabbed a present! hehe

My cutie in a santa hat!!

Another in the santa hat

I love the look on his face in this one! Tooo c ute

This one was taken ytesterday!
No matter where I lay him on the floor in the liv9ing room this is where and how I find him:

I tell you he knows what presents are already! lol
Doesn't he look like a cute little elf?? hehe I have been calling him an elf all day!! lol
Edited to add: if for some reason one of more of the pictures don't show up. Just hit reload and they will come up! :)
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