2003-12-17 ~ 6:37 a.m.
We have been trying to get Chase to go to sleep for the night a little earlier the last few days. Its been 11 or so before he has been going to sleep lately and I get up at 5:30. So normally I am so ready for sleep BEFORE 11 pm!
Anyway last night I laid down in bed with him at 9 and by 9:30 he was asleep!!! He slept until 6:30 this morning without every waking! YAY
He used to do this all the time, but the last month he has been waking to nurse atleast once a night (mostly here lately several times) But I noticed the later he went to sleep the more times he woke up and the less he napped the next day. So we will try to have him asleep by 9-9:30 (mommy too I suppose) and see if it fixes our problem!!
9 hours of sleep straight was so nice, after a month of broken up sleep again!!
Of course I cna't complain he has always slept well at night (well decently anyway) just doesn't nap well during the day!
Anyway he is nursing now and almostt back to sleep actually so I am going to go lay him down and get breakfast and such started so when I wake the other two at 7 it will be ready to eat! :)
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