2003-12-23 ~ 2:18 p.m.
6 month update
Sorry its been a few days but we are out of town!!
Chase turned 6 months old on Saturday and boy is he doing so much now. He can almost get into sitting on his own now!! he is trying so hard and can almost do it. He is always up on his hands and news or trying to do the bear crawl!! I can't beleive he is getting so big!!
He has a bit of a cold but nothing too major. No fever. No throwing up (once but it was from the flem or whatever in his throat) and just basically a cough. Just gotta watch it.
Satruday he met all my aunts, my cousins and all my cousins kids. He was the youngest there and there were like 50 of us!! And that wasn't eveyone in the family!!
My sister (whose house we are staying at) works for her local paper and they wanted christmasy pictures for the paper so we put Chase under the tree with presents and she took pictures of him so they will go into the paper! TOO COOL!! Neat knowing someone who works for the baby yes??? lol
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