2003-12-28 ~ 9:04 p.m.
home & my cool boy
We are home! :) Chase is playing next top my chair now with his many many toys!
Yesterday we had christmas with Brian's family. His mom got him some light up music thingy, and Brian's sister got him a truck that has little balls that pop up in the back and make noise!! Brian's brother lost the gift they bought chase so he didn't get anything from them. He got socks, slipper shoe things, and a few other things in his stocking at brian's parents house too
Anyway did I tell you guys he started sitting up on his own the friday after christmas (the 26th)?? He can now get into sitting postion all on his own! YAY CHASE!!! My big boy!
He is also crawling backwards!! Cool kiddo!!
I can't beleive how big he is getting!! He is doing so much now its amazing!!
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