2003-12-30 ~ 9:49 p.m.
PICTURES from christmas
Entry before this one if you want to read it.
Pictures Pictures Pictures here from chrismtas things:
Christmas eve:

My dad holding Chase on christmas eve around noon

Chase and my sister shelly

Shelly helping Chase with his first present on christmas eve night (we did chrismtas with my mom, sister, brother and my sisters boys that night)

Shelly helping him again
I lost a few because the cd burner didn't work right and I have a roll getting developed now from that morning too, so I only have a couple to share of his first chrismtas morning right now!!

Jaidyn helping Chase with a present on chrismtas morning.

My cutie

trying to crawl to his toys

Chase trying to get my sisters kitty Shadow.
At my dads house

chewing on his rings

looking to the side to see his daddy

The 5 of us at my dads. I look awful in this one. No make up, no fixed hair. blah

Back at my sisters playing with his toys before bed

Chase opening gift, with his aunt tammy

Looking at the gift he unwrapped

I want to get the kitty toy!!!

With his cousin Taylor

With his cousin Ryan

With his uncle Scott (Brian's sister tammys hubby)

Jaidyn, Chase & their 9 month old cousin Paige in Jaidyn's wago with Jaidyn's big carebear!
Dec 28th-
The day we got home:

the kids playing with Chase's ball popper
Dec 29th:
just pictures I took yesterday:

eating his rings. I put the pillows around him because I was scared hje would fall into the entertainment center.

posing in a bucket for mommy!
That is it. I will try and update Noah and Jaidyns site now so go check there in aobut 5 minutes (its 9:49 pm)
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