About Chase Born: 6
-20-03 Age: 2 Years Stats:
25 lbs
36 inches Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister. Dislikes: being told no.
Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.
2004-01-05 ~ 8:40 p.m.
fighting sleep
Chase has fought sleep now all day long. No naps longer then 5 minutes once I laid him down... I am tired and I know he is. He is asleep in my arms now. Wish me luck on laying him down and him staying asleep!!
He ius so bad about not taking naps during the day when he needs them and then by the night time he is fussy & cranky and fighting sleep so badly!!