2004-01-05 ~ 11:28 a.m.
growing up
Thanks Jen. It makes me sad that he is getting so big too! :( I wish I could bottle up this baby time with him. I am sure going to miss my sweet little cuddle monster as he gets older and more and more independant. It goes way too fast..
As brian said last night while looking at Noah "Wow is he really that big?? Do we really have a 5 year old?" then he pointed to Chase and said "It seems like Noah should be that small still" and he is right. My babies are growing up. All 3 of them and it goes so fast.
I want to enjoy every minute or every age with them because you only get that age with them once and then its gone.
Maybe that is why I take so many dang pictures and videos. So i can be reminded of them at all these stages!
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