2004-01-07 ~ 12:46 p.m.
3 am
Okay so sleeping didn't stay good yesterday. Nope.
See he slept from 2:30 or so until 4:30 pm and woke up. At 8:00 he was alseep in my amrs. I laid him down. He woke up 10 minutes later. It was 3 am before I finally got to go to sleep. Yes I said 3 am!! and then he woke up at 7a:30 when I had to get him to take Noah to school and didn't go down for a nap uintil after 11.
I am tired.
BUT that being said. He is adorable and I love him and even if I am soooo tired I love holding and cuddling him. I know he will not want to be held and cuddled as much one day :(
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