2004-01-19 ~ 9:06 a.m.
fussy lately & Pics
THe last two days have been long and hard. Chase has been GRUMPY and not sleeping! We were up all night saturday night. And I was up half the night last night too!! He is adorable though so yeah it doesn't matteer! :)
He is now taking steps while holding on to the couch. Its hard to believe he can "cruise" the furniture!! Amazing!
Can you beleive he will be 7 months old tomorrow?? Then his daddy will turn 24 on Wednesday and his big sister turns 3 on the 31st! lol Lots going on around here.
Anyway Pictures Pictures Pictures!
The first ones are pictures I took of him sitting out in the wagon outside!!

Chase in Black and White! :)

Playing with a ball

Chase in wagon with Cherry the lamb. I will tell you more about Cherry in the next day or two! :)

Chewing on fingers

In Wagon!

Chase and Me

Me kissing my little guy!
The next were all take the other night:

Chase smiling

Bri and Chase

Hugging Brian's head! :)

Trying to chew on his daddy! lol

Pulling up on a box! :) He has such strong legs!!

Cutie pie smiling
Sorry so many pictures! I hope it doesn't take long for a lot of you to load them! :)
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