2004-01-20 ~ 4:15 p.m.
7 Months
Chase is 7 months old! 7 months old! WOW
I can't believe how much he has grown and how much he can do!!
He crawls everywhere and very fast. He is pulling up all the time and can "cruise" while holding on to the couch and such. He thinks he is bigger then he is. He trys to let go and of course falls. He just isnt strong enough though he thinks so.
He says "ba ba" sounds over and over again! So cute!!
He is still nursed and loves it. I enjoy it too I will say! :) He is getting strong and staying healthy from mommys milk! YAY
Though people tend to make comments about the fact that I still nurse, like its a bad thing or something. People annoy me when they do that. He is a BABY and he NEED and WANTS mommies milk, so that is what he gets! :)
He is wearing a size 3 diaper and wears 6-9 month or 6-12 month clothes! :)
He is still completely happy most of the time, and loves to laugh and play with everyone.
He chews on everything and puts everything in his mouth. crazy boy! :)
GHe loves baby cereal and mashed up food that I will let him have!
He is just all around a great baby, who still enjoys sleeping right next to mommy at night and shh don't tell anyone but I do truely enjoy that as well! :)
Happy 7 months my Chase Man
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