2004-01-20 ~ 6:13 p.m.
7 month entry before this one...
Just wanted to say thanks to Jen, Jessica, Rosie, Meg, Alice, Elisha and Tara for your guestbook comments! :)
I know I am awful about leting you know I read them by replying but I am trying! :)
Thanks for the comments on my cute little man, and for those that commented on me! :) I still have about 20 lbs to lose but I am getting where I want to be again! YAY :)
Anyway go back and read the 7 month update before this one, because my baby turned 7 months today. And Lochy is 13 months old today! :) lol TOmorrow my niece will be 10 months old! WOW nearing a year already!! And lets see my sister is 32 weeks prengant. Not much longer and another little new baby to hold! YAY YAY YAY
Okay yeah go read the 7 monthentry now, I am done
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