2004-01-21 ~ 7:06 a.m.
Chase's Cherry Adventure!
On my July 2003 babies message board on pregnancy.org we decided to have a little lamb named Cherry, that we are sending around to each other for our little ones.
We got CHerry on July 16 and kept him until yesterday, July 20th. Here is our adventures with him:
Jan 16th - First Day With Cherry

Cherry had just arrived and Chase was asleep! :)

UNtil Chase woke up, Cherry found a friend in Jaidyn who took him to meet all her stuffed animals and carebears! :)

After trying to keep up with Chase for so long, Cherry decided just to climb on his back and catch a ride! :)

Cherry sitting with Chase as he chews on a note pad!
Jan 17th - Day 2

Chase and Cherry Taking a nap together

Poor Cherry!! Chase enjoyed chewing on his ear!!

"Do you see what I am seeing?" Both Chase and Cherry looking down at the floor

Making Music! :) Chase and Cherry playing the keyboard!!

Cherry had so much fun, he had a jam session all on his own! :)

"Yummy, Bitter Biscuit" Chase sharing his biscuit with Cherry! :)
Jan 18th - 3rd day

Chase and Cherry outside in the wagon together

Cherry and Chase playing ballin the wagon! :)

Another of Cherry and Chase! :)
We had loads of fun with Cherry and yesterday we shipped him off to the next July baby to play with him! :)
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