2004-01-22 ~ 10:41 p.m.
sick baby
Chase is sick. He was fine this morning. Happy, playing and his normal old Chase man self.
After his napo he woke up and threw up all over everything. He did it 3 more times and got super cranky. Finally he went to sleep and slept awhile.
Then he woke up and acted fine for several hours rthough he wanted to be held the whole time.
Then tonight he has thrown up about 4 more times.
Needless to say we are calling the dr in the morning to get him in. My poor Chasey Poo. I feel so bad for him :(
He is so tired and in my arms doing his little I am going to sleep humming thing he does. He has been to sleep 3 times tonight but woke up and thrown up each time.
He is nursing on and off through inbetween throwing up so atleast I know he is getting something.
My poor poor sick baby! :(
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