2004-01-24 ~ 10:59 a.m.
Update and pictures
Chase is doing a little better. He has thrown up twice last night and twice this morning but not nearly as bad as he was doing the other day! :(
He is sleeping for the first time in two days without being in my arms!! :) Poor little guy!
Here are a few pictures from last week I never got around to sneding you guys sicne he was sick
Chase Standing and Cruising:

Noah and Chase playing GameCube:

Both boys with controllers

Chase eating his! :) lol

Looking at the game on the tv
Mirror Pictures:
I sat chase on the conter in the bathroom while I was in putting my make up on (I was stnading behind him) and then caught a few pictures of him enjoying the mirror.

And ehre is one of him making a YUCK face with his valentines bib on! :)

Now I need to go check on him and make sure he is still sleeping good. I miss seeing him happy and playing like he is in all these pictures. I hope he feels better soon! :)
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