2004-02-02 ~ 12:24 p.m.
No naps
Its been busy around here and Chase has decided he doesn't need to nap at all.
Yes I said at all. For the last week (since he got sick) he will only nap if he is in my arms, Brian's arms or in the carseat when we go somewhere. He will stay asleep when I bring him in from the car or when we lay him down.
He will only go to sleep if Brian is rocking him or I am walking him. I can't rock him, he won't let me or he screams!
I have no idea what to do with him! I haven't been able to get anything done around here because he is always awake and by the evening time when I have the most to do, he is super cranky and only wants me to hold him!
HELP!!!! I love him to pieces but dang that boy needs some sleep!! :)
Anyway here are pictures from yesterday when we played outside (there are only like 5 this time I promise! lol)

Isn't he the cuties?? Yes yes yes I think so! :)

Crawling around outside

Chewing on his hands outside
Smiling in the wagon

Jaidyn pulling Chase in the wagon

Jaidyn and Chase in the wagon.
It was a nice afternoon out yesterday si we spent a lot of time outside! :) IT rained all night so its nasty and wet out there today though!
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