2004-02-06 ~ 5:59 a.m.
no teeth
Thanks Alice and Rosey about my kiddos :)
Chase did great yesterday. He napped and he was just such a good good baby all day.
He goes to bed so late every night though. I try and get him to sleep earlier but it just doesn't happen. Oh well we will get him to sleep earlier soon enough! :)
I can't believe he is 7 1/2 months old. He will be 8 months on the 20th and that is only 4 months from a year old already! I am so going to cry when he turns 1! lol
Lets not thing about that right now though! lol
He is so cute when he says "mama" :) I LOVE it. He is the only one of my kids who said Mama first instead of Dada so I am happy! :)
He pulls up and walks holding on to things all the time now!! He scares me because he thinks he can just let go sometimes and will start to fall alot when he does, but then he just grabs back onto things and steadies himself!!
I hope hope hope he doesn't walk early like it is almost seeming like he will do! lol Noah walked at 10 months, Jaidyn right at 13 months so we will see.
He still doesn
't have any teeth, That doesn't surprise me because well Noah got his first one at 7 months, and Jaidyn got her first at almost 13 months so my kids don't exactly get their teeth early.
I am hopign Chase gets one before he is a year old though! lol I believe noah had 4 or 5 teeth when he turned a year. Jaidyn had none! :) lol I thought she would never get teeth!
Anyway my baby boyu is asleep so I need to shower and get dressed and all that fun stuff
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