2004-02-10 ~ 9:57 a.m.
Chase is pulling up on my chair right now spitting at me. I love this kid! lol
He says "baba mama" at me. I have no idea what that means, as I know its not baba as in bottle! lol He wouldn't touch one of those for anything. He is totally a booby baby! :)
He loves playing with Jaidyn. He follows her around, climbs on her, talks to her, grins at her! they are going to be so close. I can tell this already. SHe is always hugging him and kissing him. She did get mad at him the other day because she told him she loved him and he didn't say it back! lol Silly girl
He likes to play with Noah too, but Noah doesn't do as much with him. Noah is great at keeping Chase happy in the car though! Its too cute how he is with him in the car!! and Chase will pull uip on him when Noah is playing on the floor. Its so cute!
I love seeing my kiddos together! They are so cute most of the time.
Okay now he is pulled up on Jaidyn's chair at the table. Jaidyn is still eatting on her breakfast! She is crazy! It takes her all morning to eat breakfast!!
I am so in love with the fact that Chase said Mama first. My other two said dada first! What is great is I know Chase is saying mama to me because he only does it when looking at me, or holding his arms up to me!! Its so neat to watch him learn
Anyway I need to change Chase Mans diaper,and then I need to do a few things around the house so yeah I will go now! :)
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