2004-02-12 ~ 5:04 p.m.
sleep & pictures
Well he now goes to sleep at a decent time, or he has for the last 4 days, but he isn't napping today at all again... sigh..
It would be so bad but I am so tired. Very very tired. As he was up and down all night because his stuffy nose. blah
I may have written all that earlier in an entry. I truely can't remember if I wrote here this morning of not. I need sleep...
Anyway I have a few pictures for you. THe first ones were taken aa couple days ago

Smiling and playing with his block

Taking a bubble bath!

This one is of Noah and his valentines box he made. I am too lazy to post it on his site right now

Playing with blocks


Smiling on Zebra thingy

On Zebra again
This next ones were taken yesterday:

I couldn't find him yesterday until I saw his little legs under the table! lol

Another of him under the table
In this next ones I found him with a cracker his sister had given him! She KNOWS better then to give him anything! ugh But I had to take a couple pictures before I took it away! lol

CHase and Scout

With the dreaded cracker
And this last one is of Scout wearing the bib because Jaidyn decided the kitty needed Chase's valentines bib! lol

Anyway Chase is in a good mood which is nice since he didn't nap and I expected him to be grumpy by now! lol
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