2004-02-18 ~ 10:39 a.m.
a chase almost 8 month update! lol
Chase is loving having his cousins over this morning. It means he has more people playing with him! lol
Anyway I figured its time to do a Chase update so here it goes
He is still about 19 lbs and something. Not sure on the length right now though. I tried to measure him but he doesn't let me do it much! lol
He is in size 3 diapers and is in 6-12 month clothes! :)
He nurses about 5 times a day, and once at night. He has breakfast, and dinner with baby food. Then one time a day I give him some finger type foods he can have that he enjoys! :)
He is crawling everyone, pulls up on everything and cruising everything one handed. He barely puts any pressure on anythign when he holds on and walks. The other day he actually let go and stayed standing for almost 30 seconds because he realized he wasn't holding on and fell! lol He has fallen a couple times, only once has he gotten a bruise or a mark from falling

He is always smiling and happy! He grins about everything!! He loves when Brian hangs him upside down! lol Or when the kids and Brian all play with him and tickle him!!
He gets into everything!! He wants to touch everything and chew on anything he can get into his mouth!

He says "ba ba" for no reason what so ever. He just likes that sound I guess! lol and "Ma Ma" He actually says mama when he wants me as its the only time he says it! :) He does this laughing squeal thing that is crazy!!
He still has no teeth! :)
He loves going outside and riding in the wagon out there. He will bounce when he is happy and sitting ont he floor! lol He is so cute!!

He doesn't nap at all these days. He should but he won't. We will nurse for an hour (mostly for comfort) and he will go on to sleep twice a day, but once I lay him down he wakes up everytime. He will sometimes nap in the carseat when I pick up Noah though.
Speaking of that we got him a new carseat on sunday! YAY He likes it, but he hates facing backwards still, but he has about 4 more months before he can be turned so he will have to live with it..

He sleeps most of the night, waking once to nurse. Lately he has been going to sleep anywhere between 8:30-9:30 pm. If I go to bed with him he will stya asleep. If I don't he wakes up around 10 - 10:30 and then I go on to bed with him!! He would slept late if I didn[t have to wake him to take Noah to school at 7:30. Like this morning he slept until 9 am becuase jy neighbor watched the kids while I took Noah!
He adores his sister and brother! He grins at them, follows them and just loves to be around them!!

He has ten million toys but would prefer to play with a box like Jaidyn! lol
He also can cruise things and go from the chair to the couch, or the something like that, that has a space between it..
He had his first snow and first valentines day on the same day! He seemed to have enjoyed it! lol
I am sure there is more to tell but I can't think of anything else right now! lol Here are the last 3 pictures I have to share with you guys. These were all taken in the last couiple days!!

This last one was of all 3 kids on valentines day
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