2004-02-24 ~ 5:56 p.m.
the veggie eater
My child hates baby food. He won't eat it. It hates to be feed!! ugh HELP!! lol So tonight I made veggies with dinner and made sure they were bite sized pieces for him to eat on his own and all the carrots, califlour, and broccoli that was on his tray (cooked very very very soft and where in tiny tiny pieces) are all almost gone! This kid can gum the heck out of food! lol
When Noah was a baby I never left him feed himself these types of foods until he was 9 months old or so and he had teeth at 7 months. I just didn't know he could actually eat them this well. With Jaidyn she didn't get teeth until she was a year old. I couldn't keep her on just babyfood she hated the stuff so I learned that if you cook things soft enough those little gums are harder then you imagine and they can gum the heck out of food. So with Chase man I don't worry at all. He has mastered getting things to his mouth! lol EVERYTHING goes into his mouth!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid. How many times have I said that since I got pregnant with him?? lol
He growls and he is jsut adorable. You know what is funny?? When he wants to nurse and he sees I am sitting down and getting ready to nurse him he grins and laughs! lol He also holds on to it while nursing like he is scared it will go somewhere! hehe
He is so cool. He is done eating now and starting to fuss at me (he is right next to me in his highchair) so I need to go take care of him!
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