About Chase Born: 6
-20-03 Age: 2 Years Stats:
25 lbs
36 inches Likes: Playing outside. Baths. Riding his bike. Swinging. Playing with big brother & sister. Dislikes: being told no.
Newest Things:
saying no all the time. trying to help with Hailey. saying "I got it" or "I find it". Can put his own clothes on himself.
2004-03-19 ~ 6:10 a.m.
I have tons of pictures again for you! I haven't uploaded yet. Maybe I will before I finish this message. If so then you will see them in a bit! :) Anyway Chase man is good. He has now been naping daily! Go figure right?? lol At 9 months (well almost, since he will be 9 months tomororw) he is finally taking naps like normal babies! lol He is too cute though/. I won't be around to update this weekend. I am going to my sisters who has the new baby. Who happens to be a week old as of today! :) for the weekend. My mom, my grandmother, my other sister and her 3 boys are coming up for the weekend. Brian is going camping because he doesn't want to spend the weekend with "all those woman!" lol So Chase, Noah, Jaidyn and I will all be at my sisters this weekend. Chase loves to look at the baby! He just looks at him but doesn't get mad if I am holding the baby which I find to be amazing because he is normally so jealous of others. Gotta go get a few things done