2004-04-08 ~ 6:32 p.m.
all is good
My big boy. He is now able to stand up on his own without holding on to anything very easily now! He has done it many times this afternoon!! My little man is growing up just way too fast.
He slept really well last night again!! From 9 until 9!! Its so nice when we all sleep well and wake up feeling refreashed and good! I got out of bed at 7 with the other two but Chase just slept and slept. He took a 2 hour nap thois afternoon too so that was good!
He and I love laying down in my bed around 1 oclock and then he will nurse to sleep. I love love love that time with him.
We aren't stressing on weaning right now. Thank goodness. I am not ready! :) I love nursing him and he loves nursing. Its not just his food, its his comfort you know??
He is sitting next to our pup right now its too cute! :) Him and the dog that is!
hmmm Brian and I love playing with the little turkey! He makes me laugh so much with the silly things he does (like trying to pick up the dog a few minutes ago) and so amazing with how fast he learns things!!
My 9 month old can walk and stand up on his own without holding on!! I can't belive it! Noah was even 10 months old before he could do these things. WOW and Jaidyn 13 months!!
This child surprise me to no end.
I love him to pieces I do. I do. I do! :) I love Jaidyn and Noah to pieces too. (I have pictures up at their site that are new too if you want to see them. I updated there yesterday too)
Chase is walking towards me with a brush in his hand and just a babbling a way! hehe. He is too cute. Oh well now he is following the dog...
Anyway all is good in our world today! :)
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