2004-04-12 ~ 7:13 p.m.
Chase's 1st Easter!
My First Easter was good, or atleast Mommy says it was! I am still not sure exactly what Easter is or why we kept hiding and finding all those dang eggs...
We left our house friday afternoon and got to grandma's and papa's really late. After my bed time! Mommy says I did pretty good for a 5 hour trip.
We went to bed soon after getting there. We woke up on the day my mommy says was Saturday and we played outside at Grandma and Papa's house. I LOVED it out there. So much green grass to play in!!

"They call this a ball. hmmmm..."

"awww, Mama"

"I got a stick, and they haven't even taken it away yet!"

"hmm what is this?"

"Its not easy walking in all this grass"

Mommy, Daddy, Noah, Jaidyn, Lady and Me in the porch swing
After we played and played outside, we went to my Aunt Shelly's house. Her house is fun! Everyone likes playing with me there and she has kitties! Two of them! :)
And then we went back to papa and grandmas. Over there we ate dinner and Uncle Jason and Aunt Kelly came over. They brought over Ryan, Taylor and Paige. Paige isn't much bigger then me!! She is 1!!!

Daddy and Mommy let me stay up late and we played on the bed a bit before we went to sleep. Shhh. don't tell Noah and Jaidyn though, they went to bed earlier!! hehe
Sunday morning we woke up and Mommy said it was Easter. Bubba and Sissy had colored eggs and we got our buckets! I didn't really care too much for the bucket at first, but I liked my shovel!!

I got a rattle shovel, a baby's first bib, a blue bunny, and a white bunny toy. It was all neat later when I saw it.
Then we went back to Aunt Shellys house and everyone hunted eggs. I just played with them afterwards!!

Dumping out Noah's eggs

Carring an egg

eating the eggs again! :)
We went to another big egg hunt with all these people I didn't know. Mommy says they were Daddy's aunts, uncles and cousins. There were a bunch of them. At first they were okay but then I got sleepy and just wanted mommy! :)But they still made me take pictures!!

Pictures with my cousins and Papa and Grandma
(Lt. to Rt.: Ryan, Taylor, Paige, Papa holding me, Noah in Grandma's lap, and Jaidyn)

And pictures with my great grandparents (Daddy's grandma and grandpa)
Lt. to Rt: Jaidyn, Ryan holding Paige, Noah, great grandpa holding me, Taylor and great grandma.
After these pictures Pagie and I went to sleep for naps. We needed them!!

Sleeping away...
Not long after my nap we went back to my grandma and papas and played. And then to aunt shellys again for awhile.

My walking has gotten lots better mommy says! I would walk and everyone got all excited and amazed that I could do it. I didn't think it was such a big deal. Heck I am 9 months old after all! :)
P.S this is from mommy! :)
Chase's first easter was great! We got home today around 3 and he did wonderfrul in the car on the way home sleeping and just playing! He is offically walking now all the time! I can't believe he is 9 months and walking!! It is truely wonderful and amazing! He also says "da de" for Brian now when he is following him around and says "do ge" for the dog!! He is too amazing.
Easter was his last 1st holiday! Can you believe that?? In just 2 1/2 months he will be 1 and that makes me a little sad!!
Anyway hope you enjoyed his pictures and his easter story, if you want to go over to Noah and Jaidyn's page to see their pictures and read about their easter weekend...
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