2004-04-15 ~ 6:15 a.m.
just little things
Chase Man was super cranky yesterday. He nursed and wanted to be held all day long. Normally he would rather walk around or climb on things! lol
His walking skills keep getting better and better! I can't believe he is totally walking now! whaaa where is my baby??
IN 5 days he will be 10 months old!! in 5 days!! That means in just 2 months 5 days he will be a year old. I am so not liking that idea!! Can I keep my last little baby a baby for longer?? Please?
Anyway all is good in our world. Other then the fussiness he has had, he has been perfect. He loves food, loves to laugh and play. He is just adorable!
Last night he was up until 10:30 which is way later then normal so I have a feeling he will be a tad cranky this morning when I have to get him up to take Noah to school!!
Oh and his pictures are in I will have to go pick up later today or tomorrow!!
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