2004-04-20 ~ 6:14 a.m.
10 months
10 months old today! My baby is 10 months old!!
WOW he is getting too big, too fast.
It means in only 2 months my baby is going to be a year old! wow
He got super hyper when Brian came in last night. WAY HYPER, It took me an hour to get him calm and to sleep last night! lol Silly baby!
Last night I noticed, spots or bites or a rash (it looks rashy in some areas) or bumps all over his belly and a few on his arms. Gonna check him over this morning and if its still there or worse I Am calling the dr. Not sure what it is and I would rather know for sure then not know at all right??
I hopes its all gone on him though!
Anyway he is sooooooo cute. He had his shirt last night and was carring it around swinging it and it would hit him in the head and he would laugh! lol Then he would walk into Brian[s arms and laugh! lol It was crazy last night.
Oops Jaidyn is awake way too early for her to be up so gotta go
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