2004-04-20 ~ 12:25 p.m.
The spots..
Chase's spots are an allergic reaction to something. Not sure what... Just have to watch him and see. He is on benadryl now that the dr gave me (free sample! :)) and if they aren't gone in a week I am to take him back.
If they get worse or he starts wheezing then I am to take him to the er she said.
So anyway he is okay just having a reaction to something. What a way to spend the day he turns 10 months huh?? Poor guy!!
See all his spots from this morning:
My poor boy! They were just tiny spots yesterday that looked like bites and there was only about 5 or so. By bed time last night there were about 25 of them and this morning they grew in size and there are more!!!
O hand he was 21 lbs 4 oz this morning! :) He was 20 lbs 8 oz just a month ago!!
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