2004-04-29 ~ 2:57 p.m.
Updated Pics
He slept much much better last night! YAY!!! His nose isn't stuffy at all today either so that is great! :)
Anyway I have pictures again! :) lol
I will start with some from today:

Silly Grin!

"Are you talking to me?"

My cutie eatting his snack

His snack must be funny! :)
Now random pictures from this past week:

Playing with a ball

Just standing around.

Beating up Noah!!


My sweet boy! :)

"I don't want this ball mom"

"What is up there?"

Walking is so funny!

Another of him standing

beating up daddy!
and this one is of all 3 kids today:

The older kids just decorated picture frames and we did one for Chase too. They are cute. I will post pics of these tomorrow or something when they are all down! They are now making pictures for me! and Chase man is getting sleepy so I need to nurse my little man and get him to take a nap!
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