2004-05-14 ~ 6:28 a.m.
just stuff
Just 6 more days until Chase Man turns 11 months. It goes so fast.
He is such a funny baby. He grins and laughs about everything. If you even touch his neck he giggles and squirms! lol Its too funny
I can't believe he is growing up so fast. I found the birthday stuff (party decorations) I want to get for his 1st birthday. Even a 1st birthdya shirt and bib too! :) Cool and they all match which is really cool.
We will be ahving his birthday in my home town with our families so it should be fun!
Anyway he is sleeping now, he slept okay last night. He isn't staying comfortable at night and is wiggling too much these days. None of us are sleeping peacifully in the bed because of it!
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