2004-05-20 ~ 6:36 a.m.
11 months
My sweet precious baby boo, is 11 months old. In exactly a month he will be 1 :( I can't believe how fast it is all going. Just way too fast for me!
Lets see if I can think of everything for an update. At 11 months he is probably around 21-22 lbs, not sure on the length at all! :) He wears 12 month clothes and size 3 or 4 diapers depending on which huggies I buy (he wears bigger in supremes then in the regulars).
He still has just the one tooth, but hey he has a tooth none the less! :) Its really noticable when he grins now! So so so cute! It also hurts when he accidently bites down when nursing though. Ouch!! lol
He has been walking since 9 months, so you can imagine how good he is at it now! He can pretty much run. He walks sideways sometimes too the silly nut. He never crawls unless there is a big step down off of something or he wants under the kitchen table so something! lol I love watching him squat down to pick up something and then stand right back up with something in his hands. Its so weird to think of him doing all these big boy things!!
He climbs still. Its awful. He gets on EVERYTHING! lol It funny though! He loves it outside and if he is in a bad mood I can take him out and he will be happy within minutes!
He loves his brother and sister and will follow them anywhere! He plays in their room with them all the time and even calls Noah "bubba" He says a few words, "Mama", "Dada", "dogee", "Ball", & "bubba" regularly and now is repeating words we sayt some of the time but he has no idea what he is saying with the ones he copies! :)
He loves table food, but won't stay sitting in his high chair to feed himself long (he hates being fed, but I still am able to get him to take some from me) He rarely touches baby food at all anymore.
He hates the sippy cup and has never had a bottle. Still nursed whenever he wants to be. :)
What else? Oh he has come to enjoy his time with his daddy everty evening. Brian and him play together for about 30 minutes every night after the other two go to sleep, right before the rest of us turn in for the night! He loves it. They laugh and play and both enjoy it so much. They are going to miss that with Brian away for a couple weeks here next week
He likes to sleep late but I always have to get him up to take Noah to school. Most mornings he goes right back to sleep when home and sleeps until 9 sometimes 10 oclock. His naps are still all messed up. Somedays he won't take any, sometimes he will take 1 long one, sometimes a couple short ones. We just play it day by day right now! :)
He is still in our bed, but we are going to work on getting him onto a matteress on the floor next to our bed. He is starting to wake up more at night because when we move around it wakes him. He needs his own space so he can sleep better!!
I will have pictures later. I am working on getting something put together for each month since his birth pics since he is ALMOST a year old already! :( :) Such a happy yet sad time!!
Again Mr. Chase Man. Happy 11 months. Mommy, Daddy, Noah and Jaidyn love you very very much! :) I am sure the others will agree these last 11 months have flown by. It sometimes seems like you were just born, but it feels as if I have had you for forever.
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