2004-05-25 ~ 6:39 a.m.
My Monkey
Chase Man has a cold. Poor thing. He has been SUPER cranky yesterday and the day before. Lets all hope he does better today okay? He did sleep better last night so that is a good thing!!
He has his 2 tooth through now. When I can get him to open his mouth good when smiling one day I will get a picture where you can see them!! You can see his bottom one pretty well now!! :)
Anyway nothing really new here. He is still pretty much running... Oh he did do something new the other day. We had a stool in the bathroom so Jaidyn can reach the counter. Well when she isn't using it, iut sits next to the toliet and the counter. Well Chase used the stool to climb on the toliet and was climbed onto the bathroom counter!! I was in there putting on make up so I saw him do!! That little monkey!! We keep the bathroom door shut if we aren't in there now just to make sure he doesn't climb up there all the time now! lol
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