2004-05-27 ~ 7:50 p.m.
Picture Time (again)
Picture time again! :) YAY right?? lol

Can you see the little white thing on the bottom gums in his mouth?? That was the first tooth he got in! :) YAY

Him playing basketball. He actually puts the ball through the hoop!

This is my precious boy!! Doesn't he have the sweetest face??

His evil, I am going to get into trouble look! lol

If I pull on this I wonder what happens??

Wow, its the phone on the other end of that string! lol :) (He pulled the phone down and then played with it)

eating a chip Jaidyn gave to him

Just a silly face

climbing into a toybox

In the toybox

Getting out of the toybox! lol

Hugging Darrian

Looking at Darrian
Some of those came out blurry because my camera was broken and didn't work too great :(
The next 3 pictures are of my 2 1/2 month old nephew Darrian while they were at the house yesterday and the day before:

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