2004-05-29 ~ 5:51 p.m.
Got it...
Okay I got everything but the scroll bar the way I want it! :) YAY
What do you guys think??
I moved the stats from each month that were on the side bar and put them on their own page! :) I have to fix them there though in a bit.
I took the pics link off because I am working on a once a month picture page for him since he is almost one! :)
I added month events, likes and dislikes, etc though to the side bar! :)
Anyway I like this layout I think for now anyway. What do you guys think??
Oh Chase went to sleep at like 2 and just woke up at 5:30!! LONG LONG nap the boy had!! He was TIRED! :)
He and noah are playing now
Oh and notice on the side with the newest milestones?? Yep tooth number 3 as broke through! :) YAY
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