2004-06-02 ~ 7:26 p.m.
Water Fun
Thanks everyone for the comments on the new layout! I like it too!!!
Anway we have been super busy with Daddy being gone around here!!
Chase is doing great. He is no longer wanting to nurse at all during the day. He takes his sippy cup most of the day now. Its a little sad :( He has also put himself to sleep twice now on his own! YAY CHASE!!
He played out in the water for the first time yesterday!! So I want to show you guys some pictures of that!!

Chase in his little pool

Close up

Standing on the slip & slide

Trying to drink the water spraying out!

And him licking the water

And Again

In his pool again

Playing on the slip & slide (one of my favs)

Crawling on the slide & slide
And here are a couple from him playing with his ball popper. He has really gotten to like this toy:

Trying to catch the ball

Down the hole

Looking at the ball coming up!
And some of my nephew darrian

Isn't he a cutie??
Anyway gotta go...
Go check out Noah and Jaidyns journal now to see pictures of them and my niece and nephew playing in the water
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