2004-06-18 ~ 12:30 p.m.
Alice, it hasn't been any different for me nursing with his teeth! I have gotten bit a couple times but other then that its no different then before them! :)
We are all ready to go to my in laws. Bri gets off at 2 and has to run by the bank to get money for us. He should be home around 2:30. He will get ready and then off we go. I will drop in on Sunday and let you know how the birthday party went and tell you about my little man! Monday I will have pictures for you!
Can you believe he turns 1 on SUNDAY??? WOW. I know a lot of you have been reading this since I found out Iwas pregnant and I thank you for being here with us through everything! :)
Anyway have a good weekend everyone and I will updater Sunday or Monday about little mans first birthday party!!
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