2004-07-19 ~ 12:21 a.m.
Chase Update
I will have pictures from vacation soon and Chase's 1 year pictures are in so I will share those soon too!!
But since we have been gone nearly a month, I figured I would update you on Chase Man.
LEts see, he is so different since he turned 1! He is no longer nursing. I miss it, but he was starting to not want to nurse at all, and Brian wasn't happy with me still nursing so I stopped nursing and he actually seems happier now (Chase is happier now that is)
He has 6 teeth now! 4 on top and 2 on bottom (all front teeth) He walks in shoes fianlly! Before he screamed when you put them on him. HE was pretty good on the planes on the way there and did okay on the way home. He hates sitting still that long! Poor little guy!!
He is in 12-18 month clothes mostly 12 months though. Size 4 diapers. I don't remember his shoe size right now.
He repeats things we say, eats everything,pushes buttons on his toys (and the tv. He likes to turn it off on you or change the channel). He is starting to say a few little things and repeats alot of what we say.
He is now taking 1 nap during the day. About 2 hours long in the middle of the day. Problem is he stays up until 11 or 12 every night, but he does sleep until 9 or 10 am. He still sleeps with us every night.
hmm what else? I know there is more but he just went to sleep on my lap so I should go to bed with him because I am TIRED
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