2004-07-25 ~ 3:49 p.m.
At the lake
Busy weekend yet again!
Friday night Brian's sister came up and Chase was wired when he had someone new to play with! It was midnight before he went to sleep and Brian's sister and I stayed up until 2 talking!!
Saturday he woke up at 9:30 but was still tired all morning when Brian's parents got here. Around 2 after CHase's nap we went to the lake and spent the evening there. Chase loved the water and being outside all day!
Then today we took the kids out to play on the big play toy we had Brian's parents bring up so the movers can take it to wyoming for us and the kids played on that and the power wheels truck of Noah's (well its old. Noah has had that truck and toy since he was 2) that was stored at his parents too. Anyway the kids loved playing on that too! Chase can climb up on it on his own and slide down on his own! He is soooo cute!!
Here of course are the pictures:

Aunt Tammy, Daddy & Chase Man in the lake watching the dog (not in the picture)

Grandma and Chase. I loved the way the splash of the water showed up in this one.

Chase throwing the ball

Walking in the water

Chase & Lady (our dog)

Chase and Papa

Cute picture of Chase

"hmmm, what is this?"

These next ones were taken today of him playing outside:

Climbing up

Playing with steering wheel

Getting ready to slide

And down he goes! :)

Driving the truck

In the truck with Jaidyn

Another one of Jaidyn and Chase in truck

and the last one! :)
I am about to add pictures of Noah and Jaidyn at the lake to their site so go there in abit okay??
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