2004-08-02 ~ 7:47 a.m.
Picture Set 2
Pictures Set 2
First Set <---- Click there for the first set of Pics
Saturday at the Family Reunion:

This is Brian's dad, his sister, brothers and mom. (Standing : Mark & Larry(larry is Brian's dad) Sitting: Jaime, Helen (Brian's grandma) & Gail

Brian's grandma with all her grand kids and great grandkids.
(Bk Row: Jason (bri's bro), Danny (his cousin), Tammy (his sister) holding Jaidyn, & Brian holding Chase.
Sitting: The twins (Brittney and Tiffany. I don't which is which! lol) Sadie, Helen (his grandma) holding Paige, Seth, Ryan, Taylor & Noah
Front: Joshua!)

All of us with Brian's parents

Brian's dad and Paige

Us and the kids

Brian's brother Jason and his family
(Taylor, Jason holding Paige, Kelly (his wife) & Ryan)

Tammy (Brian's sister)

Brian's Aunt Gail, Uncle Vernon & Cousin Danny and his wife Bobbie

Brian talking to his Uncle George and Aunt Marie

This is a huge group of us. Brian's Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Parents, and all of us!
Now on to picture set number 3!!
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