2004-08-05 ~ 6:44 a.m.
Posing & Climb Pics
Its been a couple days again since I posted. Things are busy getting ready for the big move.
We leave on saturday!!
Anyway Chase man is doing well. He has been sleeping much much much better at night this week! I hope it stays that way even with the car trip this weekend and the new place next week to stay in!
Yesterday CHase got his first haircut. Brian did it. He is pretty good at doing baby haircuts! lol We were going to have him go in with Noah and Brian yesterday to get his hair cut but he is so wiggly we didn't think they could get it done.
Anyway pictures for you again!! On this page there are pictures he posed for, some climbinb ones and some of my nephew Darrian. Next email will have haircut pics!

He wouldn't take that little bottle out of his mouth for long yesterday morning when I tookm those. Normally he his his sippy cup in the mornings but he wanted that dang little bottle!
Climbing Pics:

Climbed into his toy box

Looking at something with big brother

moving to the couch more and more

Oops almost fell

Haha I got up there!

And I got Jaidyn's toys!
Darrian Pictures:

I had fun taking his picture too! :)
On to the next entry for haircut pictures!!
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