2004-08-05 ~ 6:53 a.m.
1st Haircut Pics
Pictures of Chase posing & climbing and darrian pictures can be find at the link below
Climbing & Posing Pics
Here are his first haircut pictures!! Brian cut his hair last night and it makes him look older!! :( I looks good though!!

His wet hair with his cute little baby curls before the hair cut
Brian had turned on the sink so Chase could splash in the sink so he would sit still. We laughed because this is how he ended up:

He climbed all the way into the sink! lol

I love this picture. It just came out so good! :)

around the ears!

Bye bye baby curls!! Hello big boy haircut!

See no curls?

After it was all down. His hair is kind of brushed to the side so you can't tell that the front is actually evenly cut!

His curls that went bye bye :(
HEre are 3 other pictures I took yesterday:

He looks like a miny noah here

He looks so sweet in this one

My colorizing job on this one isn't too good but I think he is too cute!!
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