2004-08-11 ~ 11:53 a.m.
Feeling better
We are feeling better. Chase and I that is! :) He is back to his normal getitng into eveyrthing self and eating well again. YAY
I am better too so that is wonderful for us! :)
Anyway Chase Man updates, lets see.
He did great in the car, he would get a little fussy and then would just play with his feet or a toy and giggle and laugh. If you looked at him he grinned and started kicking his legs! Such a silly boy.
He is talking a little. He says:
Bubba (for Noah)
Jay (for Jaidyn)
Lady (our dog)
Uh oh
and a couple other things! He is getting so big!! I can't believe how big he is getting!!
I have tri[ [ictures to share later okay?
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