2004-08-12 ~ 2:24 p.m.
Trip Pics Set 2
Moving Pics Set 2
First set can be found here:
Set 1
These are from Friday night at my sisters when Noah got his bday presents and Saturday our first day on the road.

My nephew TJ who turned 9 today! with the gift i got him!

another of TJ

Noah opening his gifts

Noah with his loot
Saturday, Aug 7th 2004 - Leaving Texas

My family in a McDonalds parking lot not far from the Texas/Oklahoma boarder.

Brian driving

Noah playing his old gameboy since he ran the new one out of batteries

Jaidyn coloring

Noah coloring

A sign from a town in Oklahoma not long before we got out of Oklahoma.

the Kansas sign

Chase "driving" while we were stopped in Kansas at a Taco Bell having dinner

Jaidyn and Chase napping
Picture Set 3 in just a second!!
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